Free Online Guitar Lessons

One of the coolest things about the guitar is its ability to produce the most beautiful tonality one second and make the most horrendous noise the next. If you like bizarre guitar sounds as much as I do, this a good place to get your weird on.
Here are some examples of guitar noises that you probably shouldn’t make in polite company…
Common Noises
Pick scrapes– Everyone does this old trick. Take the side of your pick and “scrape” it down the string-producing a constant metallic sound.
strumming behind the nut-
bending behind the nut-
whammy nonsense-
harmonics down 1 string-
harmonics down 1 string w/ moving tap finger-
volume knob-
kill switch trick w/ 2 volumes-
slide tricks
alien spaceship
Less Common Noises
screaming into your pickups-
bending strings off the neck-
my “spooky ghost sound”
car noises-
tapping foreign objects on your strings-
bending 2 artificial harmonics-